Award Review / Bio_Ma(i)ze

Bio_Ma(i)ze project is a project which regards a factory related to the production of the bio-mass and of the bio-ethanol which is so linked with the territory surrounding that the plantation and the ground are the most important part of the design process.

Maize because we produce bio-energy from maize-plants, maze because we decided to create so many situations in our site and so many different point of view when the maize has to be harvest in order to give different feeling to the visitors from outsite and inside the site.

There are two main zones: one is public and it is a meeting, commercial 1.400 m² place from which is also possible come into the production buildings, through a public path; the other is a 100% private zone related to the owner housing, which is private in summer thanks to the plants (which in august semptember are 2,5/3 meters high) but also in winter thanks to the different levels of the public path around the site.

After a Group-Work regarding FEW, decisions about paths and maize’s coltivation and site problems the project was divided for each one of the group:
1) Biomass-Building and Bioethanol Building – Maria
2) Public Space Fertilizer Building and Commercial Building – Katerina
3) Private Space and House – Luca


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Here’s all the pdf files of our project:

1 – Site Analysis
2 – Biomass Production
3 – Maize
4 – Maize as a Tool
5 – Ground Level as a Tool
6 – Siteplan
7 – Biomass Building
8 – Biomass and Bioethanol Production
9 – Biomass and Bioethanol Production
10 – Biomass and Bioethanol Production
11 – Renders
12 – Plan Section
13 – Housepath Situation
14 – Renders